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My submission for the Unlikely Collaborators Game Jam 2025. Theme was "Perception Box," and the jam ran for about 12 days.
I originally joined this jam as a programmer with 3 other people. We had a little bit of a rough start, having a difficult time deciding on an idea. After 3-4 days of prototyping various ideas, we each decided to attempt the jam solo! I had never done a solo jam before, so I was a little nervous about it, but it ended up being a pretty enjoyable experience.
The programming side of things went relatively simply, and I had the main idea functional in a few hours. Most of the interactable actors are just children of the same parent, and have slight variations in their functionality. I utilized sphere tracing and blueprint interfaces for the interaction, and I used event dispatchers for the updating of the environment. All in all, it went surprisingly simply.
I used several techniques to make my art production time as quick as possible, such as using a single material instance with a tiny gradient atlas texture for almost all of my meshes. I also used very simple, low poly shapes for my environment meshes, but beveled all the edges and used smooth shading to give them a clean appearance. These two techniques allowed me to rapidly create a cohesive art style.
I originally joined this jam as a programmer with 3 other people. We had a little bit of a rough start, having a difficult time deciding on an idea. After 3-4 days of prototyping various ideas, we each decided to attempt the jam solo! I had never done a solo jam before, so I was a little nervous about it, but it ended up being a pretty enjoyable experience.
The programming side of things went relatively simply, and I had the main idea functional in a few hours. Most of the interactable actors are just children of the same parent, and have slight variations in their functionality. I utilized sphere tracing and blueprint interfaces for the interaction, and I used event dispatchers for the updating of the environment. All in all, it went surprisingly simply.
I used several techniques to make my art production time as quick as possible, such as using a single material instance with a tiny gradient atlas texture for almost all of my meshes. I also used very simple, low poly shapes for my environment meshes, but beveled all the edges and used smooth shading to give them a clean appearance. These two techniques allowed me to rapidly create a cohesive art style.

Safe In Our World Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024 Game Jam
Game Jam link:
While participating in Epic Games' Project Titan during Spring 2024, I worked alongside a few talented artists and developers. We wanted to keep the ball rolling after Titan and decided to join a game jam together.
We found the Safe In Our World Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024 game jam (which had started during the last week of Project Titan). We took the two weeks after Titan as a break, and then began working on our game, Letters, during the first week of July 2024. The jam lasted until the last day of October 2024, making our development time around a total of four months.
I acted as a programmer and technical artist during the jam, with most of my time spent creating and implementing several data-driven systems, such as the Quest system and the NPC Character data system. I primarily used data assets and tried to make everything as artist-friendly as I could, for our artists and game designers to implement the quests and characters.
I learned a ton during this jam, and had many successes and struggles. While the project had it's share of ups and downs, it all came together in the end, and I am extremely proud of what my team and I managed to create in just a few short months. I look forward to working with them again on a project in the near future.
We are currently in the final 3 days of polish before the jam ends. I will add the link to our page after October 31, once we make our final submission.
Game Jam link:
While participating in Epic Games' Project Titan during Spring 2024, I worked alongside a few talented artists and developers. We wanted to keep the ball rolling after Titan and decided to join a game jam together.
We found the Safe In Our World Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024 game jam (which had started during the last week of Project Titan). We took the two weeks after Titan as a break, and then began working on our game, Letters, during the first week of July 2024. The jam lasted until the last day of October 2024, making our development time around a total of four months.
I acted as a programmer and technical artist during the jam, with most of my time spent creating and implementing several data-driven systems, such as the Quest system and the NPC Character data system. I primarily used data assets and tried to make everything as artist-friendly as I could, for our artists and game designers to implement the quests and characters.
I learned a ton during this jam, and had many successes and struggles. While the project had it's share of ups and downs, it all came together in the end, and I am extremely proud of what my team and I managed to create in just a few short months. I look forward to working with them again on a project in the near future.
We are currently in the final 3 days of polish before the jam ends. I will add the link to our page after October 31, once we make our final submission.

Find Prime - SDGJ24
My teams submission for the San Diego Game Jam 2024. Find Prime (working title!) is a 4-player, couch co-op game that tasks the players with finding and eliminating the correct alien, who's hidden amongst a bunch of imposters.
The game is round-based, starting with only the target alien. Each round afterwards, increases the number of imposters. The aliens can be identified by the hats they're wearing. The player can eliminate the target alien by hitting it with a sausage fired from an RPG. If the player shoots the wrong alien, the player is eliminated for the rest of the round. If the team successfully eliminates the target, all dead players and target alien will respawn, the number of imposter aliens doubles, and the new round starts. The 7th round is the final round.
This project was a lot of fun to make, but was met with an equal amount of stress. I was the programmer for this project, and while I have setup a couple of basic Unreal Projects for local shared-screen multiplayer before, those projects never really became complete games. So I started the project with 100% confidence, that confidence quickly turned to panic as I realized I was a bit out of my element!
The most challenging part for me was the camera, and I realize now that I need to do a proper sit down with learning to make a camera for a shared-screen multiplayer game. While I managed to get one mostly working for this project, it is by no means perfect. The camera moves and zooms according to all of the players positions, but there are a few places where the player can get outside of the camera view, and the are some instances where the camera view isn't ideal.
But overall, the project all came together and we were really pleased with the results. The game is not without it's bugs though!
Itch.IO page:
The game is round-based, starting with only the target alien. Each round afterwards, increases the number of imposters. The aliens can be identified by the hats they're wearing. The player can eliminate the target alien by hitting it with a sausage fired from an RPG. If the player shoots the wrong alien, the player is eliminated for the rest of the round. If the team successfully eliminates the target, all dead players and target alien will respawn, the number of imposter aliens doubles, and the new round starts. The 7th round is the final round.
This project was a lot of fun to make, but was met with an equal amount of stress. I was the programmer for this project, and while I have setup a couple of basic Unreal Projects for local shared-screen multiplayer before, those projects never really became complete games. So I started the project with 100% confidence, that confidence quickly turned to panic as I realized I was a bit out of my element!
The most challenging part for me was the camera, and I realize now that I need to do a proper sit down with learning to make a camera for a shared-screen multiplayer game. While I managed to get one mostly working for this project, it is by no means perfect. The camera moves and zooms according to all of the players positions, but there are a few places where the player can get outside of the camera view, and the are some instances where the camera view isn't ideal.
But overall, the project all came together and we were really pleased with the results. The game is not without it's bugs though!
Itch.IO page:

Epic's Project Titan
I was lucky enough to be able to participate in Epic's Project Titan, a massive art jam with over 4k people. Over the course of 10 weeks, we all built a stylized open world in Unreal Engine 5 in a game development setting.
Project Titan was an amazing time for me. I got to experience a real game-dev environment, working first hand with some unbelievably brilliant pro’s at Epic Games. I got to work alongside some amazing people and artists, learned a TON of knowledge, and made some new friends. It really solidified the idea that I want to work in game-dev for a living. There is really something special about busting your hump on such a large project, and then seeing it all come together in the end. Project Titan was the best learning experience I have had so far, and I eagerly await Project Titan 2.
NOTE: Project Titan was a largely collaborative effort, with a lot of overlap between a ton of artists. There was a great deal of sharing assets, and many of the assets I used in building my environments were made by other artists.
Project Titan was an amazing time for me. I got to experience a real game-dev environment, working first hand with some unbelievably brilliant pro’s at Epic Games. I got to work alongside some amazing people and artists, learned a TON of knowledge, and made some new friends. It really solidified the idea that I want to work in game-dev for a living. There is really something special about busting your hump on such a large project, and then seeing it all come together in the end. Project Titan was the best learning experience I have had so far, and I eagerly await Project Titan 2.
NOTE: Project Titan was a largely collaborative effort, with a lot of overlap between a ton of artists. There was a great deal of sharing assets, and many of the assets I used in building my environments were made by other artists.

Give Me Sausage!
Prototype build of a sausage-making game. Built in Unreal Engine 5. Players are tasked with keeping the sausages moving through production in the correct sequence, based on randomly generated orders.

Hoeing Ain't Easy!
Built in Unreal Engine 5. Farming sim game featuring mining, crafting, farming, building, inventory, shops, and more. Made over the course of 16 weeks as my final project for the Advanced Unreal course at Mesa College, San Diego. All programming, modeling, sound and animation was done by myself.

And Fries - GGJ24
My teams submission for the Global Game Jam 2024. You play as a fast food employee working the window at the drive-through, where you must listen closely to what the customer orders, enter the request, bag, and serve.
My role for this project was lead programmer, although we all wore many hats during the process. This was my first game jam experience and it was a real rollercoaster of emotions. There was a lot of back and forth feelings of whether we were going to be able to pull the game off or not, within the time limit.
One of the main challenges for me during this project was building the audio system that played the customer's order. It wasn't that the system itself was difficult, but I built it before we had any audio so I wasn't actually able to test it properly until very late in the process. I will say though, that once we got the audio in, and I ran it for the first time and heard the audio play as intended, it was a really great feeling. I found it hilarious and awesome. 10/10, would stress myself out again!
NOTE: The version in these images/video are from a slightly more polished version than what was originally submitted for the game jam, as we wanted to fix some minor issues that we didn't have time to originally.
Itch.IO page:
GGJ page:
My role for this project was lead programmer, although we all wore many hats during the process. This was my first game jam experience and it was a real rollercoaster of emotions. There was a lot of back and forth feelings of whether we were going to be able to pull the game off or not, within the time limit.
One of the main challenges for me during this project was building the audio system that played the customer's order. It wasn't that the system itself was difficult, but I built it before we had any audio so I wasn't actually able to test it properly until very late in the process. I will say though, that once we got the audio in, and I ran it for the first time and heard the audio play as intended, it was a really great feeling. I found it hilarious and awesome. 10/10, would stress myself out again!
NOTE: The version in these images/video are from a slightly more polished version than what was originally submitted for the game jam, as we wanted to fix some minor issues that we didn't have time to originally.
Itch.IO page:
GGJ page:

Printshop Work Order App
A program I built for organizing and keeping track of work orders for a print shop I was working in. Built in Godot 3. Features saving/loading workorders, attaching multiple print files and details to order, drag & drop print files with some information automatically extracted (name, dimensions, keywords), user preferences, auto-generating emails, and more.

Interactive Portfolio Idea
An idea for an interactive game-dev portfolio, making it a game in itself. Although I was pretty proud of it (completing the entire thing in just 2 weeks), I quickly discovered that it was a disaster after watching several industry professionals try it during an IGDA portfolio/resume review. Needing to sell my skills as quickly as possible, making a game that players need to learn the controls, figure out where to go, what to do, etc... I learned that making it a game was not the best decision! Oh well, I'll just put this portfolio inside my current portfolio! Portfolio-ception!

House Layout
Small project I made in UE5 for my old lady to help her play with ideas for the positioning of items in the yard. Features 4 times of day (morning, noon, sunset, and night) that can be switched at will, item pickup, place, and rotate.
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